Название первых пяти серий + под катом описание первых четырёх на английском. Конечно же спойлерно и таинственно

2x01 The Borgia Bull (Бык Борджиа)
2x02 Paolo (Паоло)
2x03 The Beautiful Deception (Красивый обман)
2x04 Stray Dogs (Бродячие псы)
2x05 The Choice (Выбор)
И описание. Подумайте, прежде чем читать))2x01 - Pope Alexander VI takes a new lover and throws a grand, pagan fete for the citizens of Rome when a cache of ancient artifacts is discovered; the rivalry between brothers Cesare and Juan spills into the streets; Lucrezia tends to her newborn child; now a pastoral priest once again, Della Rovere narrowly escapes an assassination attempt.
2x02 - The stable boy who fathered Lucrezia’s child travels to Rome to rendezvous with her but suffers an unfortunate fate at the hands of Juan; the Pope’s lovers Giulia and Vittoria take him in disguise on a revelatory tour of Rome’s indigent.
2x03 - Alexander VI refuses to allow a Catholic burial for Paolo, despite his doubts about the stable boy’s suicide, causing Lucrezia to embark on a hunger strike that threatens the life of her infant son; the French army heads back to Rome, allied with Sforza; Della Rovere slips back into the city unnoticed to launch a plot against the Pope’s life.
2x04 - Cesare recruits a band of mercenaries with the help of Micheletto to seek revenge on the retreating French troops for burning the nunnery where his beloved Ursula lived; the Pope forges more strategic alliances and enriches himself in the bargain; Lucrezia joins Giulia’s quest to aid Rome’s poor.